Lambda calculus in JavaScript

Posted on 2019-03-21 with tags javascript, lambda-calculus, functional

This sunday I enjoyed creating some simple functions using only the lambda calculus, I chose to use Javascript because of the simple syntax for the lambda functions. In substance in javscript it’s simple to translate something like \(\lambda x . x\) into (x) => x.

I started defining the boolean values true and false:

\[ T = \lambda x . \lambda y . x \qquad F = \lambda x . \lambda y . y \]

const T = (x) => ((y) => x)
const F = (x) => ((y) => y)

This explicit parenthesization is not necessary but I preferred to exaggerate rather than making the code even more obfuscated. I’m going to follow this choice in the whole source. The purpose of this definition is clarified by the if-then-else statement:

\[ \lambda cond . \lambda a . \lambda b . cond \; a \; b \]

const ifThenElse = (cond) => ((a) => ((b) => cond(a)(b)))

The lists are created consing nodes recursively, a node is a pair (i.e. a cons of two “things”) where:

  • if the first element of the pair is T then the node is nil (the empty list), at this point what is the second element of the pair is not relevant
  • if the first element of the pair is F then the node is not nil and the content of the node is in its second element.

Using a lisp-like syntax what I’m saying is that the list [1, 2, 3] is something like (cons (node 1) (cons (node 2) (cons (node 3) nil))) where (node a) is (cons F a). In code:

const cons = (a) => ((b) => ((c) => c(a)(b)))
const car = (l) => l(T)
const cdr = (l) => l(F)
const nil = cons(T)(T)
const isNil = car
const node = (x) => cons(F)(x)

And now something a little more interesting; the natural numbers! This construction remembers the inductive definition by Peano.

\[ \begin{aligned} 0 &= \lambda f . \lambda x . x\\ 1 &= \lambda f . \lambda x . f x\\ 2 &= \lambda f . \lambda x . f(f x)\\ \vdots \\ n &= \lambda f . \lambda x \; \underbrace{f(\dots f(f(}_{n} n) \end{aligned} \]

A number \(n\) is simply something that, when called passing a function \(f\) return the composition \(\underbrace{f \circ f \circ \dots \circ f}_n\), with the convention that \(f^0 = id\).

\[ succ(n) = \lambda n . \lambda f .\lambda x . f(n(f)(x)) \]

Now should be obvious what the function succ does. Conversely how the arithmetic operators have been implemented may not appear such obvious.

const isZero = (n) => n((k) => F)(T)
const pred = (n) => ((f) => ((x) => n((g) => ((h) => h(g(f))))((u) => x)((u) => u)))

const plus = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => m(f)(n(f)(x)))))
const prod = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => m(n(f))(x))))
const exp = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => n(m)(f)(x))))
const minus = (m) => ((n) => n(pred)(m))

I suggest to equip yourself with paper and pen, I personally had some difficults untangling these lambdas. A really nice place where to learn how this functions work is this page on wikipedia. I urge you to notice that this isn’t the only possible implentation, even continuing to use the Church numerals (the representation used here for the numbers). However, as the names say, these functions implement the addition, the multiplication, the exponentiation and the subtraction. isZero is a boolean predicate which tells if a numeral is \(0\) and pred returns the predecent. I enfatize how implementing the subtraction without pred wouldn’t have benn easy.

The next logic operators and the comparator of numbers are easy to understand, it’s sufficient the remember what a boolean value and a number really are.

const not = (a) => ifThenElse(a)(F)(T)
const and = (a) => ((b) => a(b)(a))
const or = (a) => ((b) => a(a)(b))
const xor = (a) => ((b) => a(not(b))(b))

const leq = (m => ((n) => isZero(minus(m)(n))))
const eq = (m => ((n) => and(leq(m)(n))(leq(n)(m))))
const lt = (m => ((n) => and(leq(m)(n))(not(eq(m)(n)))))

Last but not least the the factorial function! Implemented without the infamous Y combinator, that should merit a whole post only for itself. (maybe in the future)

const fac = (n) => n(c => ((q) => q(succ(c(T)))(prod(c(T))(c(F)))))((q) => one)(F)

And now feel free to play with this code directly in this page, for example you can try to calcolate the factorial of \(7\) whith lambdaToInt(fac(intToLambda(7))), not bad if you consider how the function has been defined. I suggest to use the functions boolToLambda, lambdaToBool, intToLambda, lambdaToInt, listToLambda and lambdaToList to create and get boolean values, integers and lists. How do they works is auto-explanatory, however you can find the whole source at the end of this page.

The complete source:

const T = (x) => ((y) => x)
const F = (x) => ((y) => y)
const ifThenElse = (cond) => ((a) => ((b) => cond(a)(b)))

const cons = (a) => ((b) => ((c) => c(a)(b)))
const car = (l) => l(T)
const cdr = (l) => l(F)
const nil = cons(T)(T)
const isNil = car
const node = (x) => cons(F)(x)

const zero = (f) => ((x) => x)
const one = (f) => ((x) => f(x))
const two = (f) => ((x) => f(f(x)))
const succ = (n) => ((f) => ((x) => f(n(f)(x))))
const three = succ(two)
const four = succ(three)
const five = succ(four) //etc...

const isZero = (n) => n((k) => F)(T)
const pred = (n) => ((f) => ((x) => n((g) => ((h) => h(g(f))))((u) => x)((u) => u)))

const plus = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => m(f)(n(f)(x)))))
const prod = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => m(n(f))(x))))
const exp = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => n(m)(f)(x))))
const minus = (m) => ((n) => n(pred)(m))

const not = (a) => ifThenElse(a)(F)(T)
const and = (a) => ((b) => a(b)(a))
const or = (a) => ((b) => a(a)(b))
const xor = (a) => ((b) => a(not(b))(b))

const leq = (m => ((n) => isZero(minus(m)(n))))
const eq = (m => ((n) => and(leq(m)(n))(leq(n)(m))))
const lt = (m => ((n) => and(leq(m)(n))(not(eq(m)(n)))))

const fac = (n) => n(c => ((q) => q(succ(c(T)))(prod(c(T))(c(F)))))((q) => one)(F)

//These functions simply help to see and create integers, booleans and lists
function lambdaToBool(b) {
  return ifThenElse(b)(true)(false);

function boolToLambda(b) {
  return b ? T : F;

function lambdaToInt(n) {
  return n((x) => x + 1)(0);

function intToLambda(n) {
  if(n === 0) return zero;
  else return plus(one)(n == 1 ? zero : intToLambda(n-1)); 

function listToLambda(l) {
  var nl = nil;
  for(var e of l.reverse())
    nl = cons(node(e))(nl)
  return nl;

function lambdaToList(l) {
  var a = [];
  while(lambdaToBool(not(isNil(car(cdr(l)))))) {
    l = cdr(l)
  return a;