Welcome to my blog, let \(\Sigma\) be the set of the Unicode symbols, then this site is a finite subset \(\mathbb{B} \subset \Sigma\). Assuming that your browser can parse and interpret \(\mathbb{B}\), and hoping that you find it more interesting than a generic subset, I wish you a pleasant navigation.
The content of this blog is heterogeneous and I think that a better introduction than this would be difficult, so let’s move on.

It’s also possible to reach this site in the Tor network at this easy to remember onion link, and in any case a snapshot with all the contents of the latest commit is always downloadable here. Since the website is meant to be self contained as much as possible the experience you would have viewing this site on your local web server should be almost the same.
Who I am
I’m a math student who likes programming problems, I think this is a good and concise definition compared to what this blog looks like. However I’m more than this, I also appreciate a variety of different things like cooking, really nerd videogames, free software, music (light or classical, as a listener or as a player), sci-fi books, old and boring movies, etc…
Moreover, I’m not an english native speaker, so I ask you to be clement if you find some errors, this site is also an opportunity to improve my language skills.
Under the hood
These pages are written in GNU Emacs using the versatile org-mode, the contents are generated using Hakyll, a customizable static site generator written in Haskell. The website is meant to be lightweight and HTML5/CSS3 compliant, however it should be perfecly readable also by older browser or even TUI browser like the Emacs web browser or Lynx. Some additional features, like the dark mode or the dynamically added hyphens, may require the use of Javascript or cookies, but they are implemented in a unobtrusive way, so the website is viewable even without javascript or cookies.
The design is minimal and completely realized by me, the fonts used are Latin Modern and Fira code. Furthermore, all the resources like images, javascripts, stylesheets and fonts are hosted in the this space, without using a CDN.
All the sources, both for the posts and the code, are inside the same Github repository. The building, testing and deploying are managed by Nix, using a Flake, locally on my machine when I’m writing new posts and publically by a GitHub workflow when I push the commit to the repository. This elegant approach provides solid and replicable builds and a revision control system.
Also, all of this is hosted using GitHub Pages, and replicated on the IPFS network, pinned on Pinata and on my household node. The last IPFS content hash is automatically updated using DNSLink, so, if your browser is correctly configured you should natively browse this website with IPFS. However you could also use a public gateway with something like https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/blog.aciceri.dev/
My last five posts are: